Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Feeding birds...

I have put a bowl of sugar and water outside my back door.  The birds are loving it in this cold weather.  I did see one fall in as it bent over the edge to get the water!!
Do you know what these little birds are called?


Room 8 said...

We have an amazing feeder at my house for putting sugar water in. It is made from wire, an old V bottle and a small vegemite jar, I will try and bring a photo to show the children. It hangs up in our tree and we have lots of birds visit like waxeyes, sparrows, chaffinch's and even tui.
from Miss B

Anonymous said...

We have had awesome fun with bird feeders too. We made them by covering pinecones with peanut butter then rolling them in birdseed. You can hang them from a tree but we put ours on the balcony so we could watch the birds outside our window. The waxeyes loved them - I counted 34 of them all trying to eat from two pinecones. It took no time at all until all the food was gone and Riley, Jackson and I had lots of fun watching.
Susan McGregor - Riley's Mum.